Our Grout Cleaning Specialists Completely Changed the Look of This Kitchen Floor in Cheshire
October 17, 2022
A homeowner in Cheshire had spent weeks trying to get the dirt off her kitchen floor. All the grout lines were severely stained, altering the floor's color and appearance. Knowing how much this affected the hygiene in her kitchen area, the homeowner didn't wait long to contact our specialists, hoping to learn more about our Cheshire grout cleaning.
Before finding Sir Grout Hartford, the homeowner, had tried some cleaning tips on the kitchen floor, including a mix of vinegar and water. Her efforts only seemed to make the stains spread more quickly, so she changed her approach and decided to continue using her traditional cleaners in the time it took her to find a professional restoration company to help her. Thankfully, it wasn't hard to locate Sir Grout Hartford online, and the homeowner had secured an in-home evaluation with our specialist on the same day she visited our website for the first time.
Our specialist was at her home only a couple of days later. He inspected the kitchen floor thoroughly and explained how unsealed grout can become soiled and stained over time. The solution, luckily, was within reach. Our specialists had the right equipment and cleaning processes to remove all the dirt, and they offered a full cleaning, recoloring, and sealing service that would restore a like-new look to the grout and keep it protected for years. The client was very relieved and scheduled a new appointment for the restoration at the end of the evaluation.
That same week, our technician arrived at her place right on time to begin the process. They started by cleaning the entire floor with a pH-neutral cleaner and running a highly efficient scrubber to remove the loose dirt. Our product's top-grade cleaning formula works against all familiar sources of dirt, like spills, product residue, oil, mold, mildew, etc. It thoroughly cleans the tile and the grout and is mild enough that homeowners can use it as often as they need without worrying about damaging the grout.
The next step involved sealing all the grout lines now that there were no traces of dirt marring their surface. For this, our techs applied a coat of Sir Grout ColorSeal, giving the grout a uniform color tone that beautifully complemented the colors on the tiles. Our acrylic-based sealant provides the best protection to keep hard surfaces from wear and tear. It helps inhibit the growth of mold, fungi, and mildew while stopping external soiling or spills from seeping into the grout. It's the best asset to simplify a homeowner's cleaning methods in areas with heavy foot traffic.
After completing the grout restoration, our techs buffed the floor one last time and called the client into the kitchen to show her the results. She was amazed by the floor's look, especially the elegant touch that the grout added to the tiles' layout. The client and her family thanked our specialists for their wonderful services and promised to recommend Sir Grout Hartford all over the Cheshire area.
While getting ready to leave the client's home, our specialists shared additional tips to help her with the maintenance of her kitchen floor. They recommended avoiding acidic formulas altogether, stating that pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner are the most effective cleaning solution by far. Our cleaner reduces the time you spend removing stains and marks while ensuring much better results; it leaves floors, countertops, and other kitchen surfaces clean, fresh, and sanitized. Kitchens are constantly subjected to foot traffic, soils and spills, but Sir Grout ColorSeal and regular cleaning with Sir Grout Natural Cleaner help keep floors looking great for years. Lastly, our techs recommended using non-abrasive tools like a mop, a towel, or a terry cloth during the household cleaning sessions.
With Sir Grout Hartford, you can always expect outstanding services and even better results. We offer you the best restoration equipment and the expertise of the best professionals in Cheshire, so you can rest easy knowing that your floors will remain smooth and glowing for a long time. Just call (860) 781-6480 or fill out the "Request a Quote" form on our website to schedule a free in-home evaluation. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about our latest info and promotions.