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Our Techs Impressed a Couple in Canton with Their Grout Cleaning Services

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May 30, 2024

After repeated efforts to improve their cleaning routine, a couple in Canton knew that something had to change. No matter how many hours they dedicated to their shower, black stains kept spreading all over the grout, and there was no way to get the tiles to shine. The walls and the shower seat were made of standard porcelain, so the homeowners were careful about the products they used. The last thing they wanted was to expose the surface to abrasive ingredients by mistake.

Porcelain and Ceramic Tile Shower Before and After a Grout Cleaning in Canton
Their concerns grew as the weeks went by, so they went over their options and decided to contact a professional grout cleaning service in Canton. They came across Sir Grout Hartford almost right after making the decision, while trying their luck online for the first time. They read as much as they could before filling out our website's contact form to schedule an in-home evaluation. By then, the couple was convinced that they had found the perfect solution.

On the appointed date, our techs visited their house in Canton, and the homeowners happened to spot Sir Grout's logo right as the vehicle pulled in front of the sideway. Our crew was welcomed into the couple's home and they began their evaluation right away. The soiled grout had ruined the couple's previous attempts to make the shower look better since the thick black stains were impossible to ignore and they took over all parts of the shower. Our techs also confirmed that the joints had suffered some damage after the sealant faded, leaving the porous surface open to absorb all the hard water.

Unfortunately, store-bought cleaners couldn't do much about the issue. In fact, many of these products are known for trapping the dirt under a soapy surface, so that explained why the shower kept its unhygienic appearance despite dozens of cleaning attempts. The best way to deal with the problem was with a complete restoration service, so our techs described the process for the couple and put Sir Grout's service at their disposal. The homeowners were grateful for our crew's professionalism and immediately agreed to a new appointment.

As per their request, our specialists returned the next day for the restoration. After preparing the shower area with clear plastic and masking tape, they carefully removed all the embedded dirt, soaking every surface with a permeating cleaner that got the mold loose in minutes. They also used 275-degree vapor cleaner to ensure that no stains were left behind, especially on harder-to-reach surfaces like the corner joints.

It was time to work on the grout. Our experts removed the damaged grout from the seams and regrouted the surface with a water-resistant epoxy solution. This removed all the downsides of cement-based grout and kept water and other liquids from seeping behind the tiles.

To restore the grout lines on the walls and the floor, our techs used Sir Grout's ColorSeal, successfully recoloring the grout to match the color of the tiles. Our flagship sealant creates a barrier to repel soap, hard water, mold, mildew, and more. With regular care, its protection can last for months and even years, so homeowners don't have to deal with embedded dirt whenever its time to clean their shower surfaces.

This marked the end of the restoration and the couple couldn't be happier. The result was everything they wanted and more, so they made sure to show their gratitude to our techs.

At the end of the appointment, our experts took a moment to give out some useful cleaning pointers. They started by introducing Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner after going over the advantages that pH-neutral cleaners have over bleach and soap-based formulas. Our product doesn't subject shower surfaces to harsh ingredients or expose household members to toxic fumes. Instead, it maximizes your cleaning results so you can remove all the stains in less time, without having to worry about damage to the grout sealant. From the moment you try it, you'll see what makes pH-neutral cleaners stand out from all the other options on the market.

Another way to avoid damage to your hard surfaces is by using non-abrasive tools to scrub off the dirt. As our techs explained during their visit, a towel, a terry cloth, or a squeegee can do the job without risking scratch marks on ceramic and delicate porcelain tiles. Lastly, we recommended leaving the bathroom door open for a few hours a day to keep the air from becoming stale. Good indoor ventilation is often all you need to make your cleaning results go from decent to satisfying.

The specialists at Sir Grout Hartford are ready to assist homeowners with their amazing shower restoration package. Ou process guarantees the best result on grout, tile, and porcelain, so you don't have to worry about subjecting your hard surfaces to harsh treatment. Contact us today if you still have questions about our cleaning and sealing methods. Just call (860) 781-6480 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. Also, remember to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.
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